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Lifeguard Training

Get lifeguard certified for FREE.


Get in on lifeguard trainings Cost: FREE
We have new opportunities for those who wish to become lifeguards at JBLM pools:

To become a lifeguard student, you must be age 15 or older. Call 253-967-5026 to schedule an in-water pretest at least two days prior to the first day of class. The pretest consists of a 300-meter front crawl or breaststroke swim, two-minute tread using legs only and a timed brick retrieval.

Classes will be held Fridays, 5–10 p.m., Saturdays, 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m. and Sundays, 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m. on the following dates:

  • April 11-13
  • May 2-4
  • June 13-15
  • Aug. 8-10
  • Sept. 12-14

Upon successful completion of the pretest, the instructor will email you the blended learning online content. The training includes pocket mask and certification. You must complete an online course (approximately seven hours) prior to the first day of class. Expect a physically strenuous class with skills work both in and out of the water.

See some of the bonuses of being a lifeguard at JBLM!