- Information and Referral assistance: Provides reception services and general orientation.
- Military Personnel Services: Helps coordinate military records and information, as well as records management.
- Education Benefits Counseling: Comprehensive education counseling & assistance are offered in the following areas: education benefits & review, application process, obtaining degrees, certifications, training & licensing, JST, CLEP, apprenticeship programs, tuition & credentialing assistance, transfer of education benefits, incentives & entitlements, testing, & financing education. For more information call: (253) 967-6919.
- Transition Assistance Program: TAP supports mandatory transition requirements and services.
- Financial Counseling: Provides credit management, budget development, consumer information and awareness, financial counseling and assistance.
- Coordination of legal and pastoral Services.
- Help to find lodging resources for Family members.
- Transition
The Transition Assistance Program provides services and direction to ensure transitioning Service members complete the TAP program and receive their DD-214 as they clear JBLM. Also acts as a liaison with job training and placement programs to help Service members acquire post-service employment. For more information call: (253) 966-8643.
- Financial
Financial counseling and financial education services are offered to help Service members improve their personal finances and increase their financial literacy. One-on-one financial counseling appointments are available to help you establish a budget, develop a strategy to pay off debt, review your credit report, prepare for retirement (TSP/BRS), improve your overall money management skills, and much more. For more information please call: (253) 967-1226.
- Education
Comprehensive education counseling & assistance are offered in the following areas: education benefits, application process, obtaining degrees, certifications, training & licensing, JST, CLEP, apprenticeship programs, tuition & credentialing assistance, incentives & entitlements, testing, & financing education. For more information call: (253) 967-6919.
- Veterans Services and Additional Support Services
WA Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA): (253) 548-6018
Provides VA pre-separation claims assistance Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD). The WDVA Connects Veterans and their Families with benefits at the State and Federal level. Provides informational and advisory services to all veterans, active duty personnel, and their Families.Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E): (206) 419-2860
Offers counseling, vocational assessments, training opportunities, employment services and disability advocacy. VR&E is available through the Department of Veterans Affairs to those who meet eligibility requirements. Service delivery method is primarily remote.Social Services: (253) 966-8433
Conducts basic non-medical needs assessment for individuals & families with referrals or coordination to services as needed through Federal, State, and local non-profit organization/s. Provides assistance with Social Security Disability applications, Hero Miles, and coordination of life skill classes.Ombudsman: (253) 320-9725
Services provided by Madigan Army Medical Center. A neutral, independent and confidential resource and liaison for Soldiers, their Family members, and other beneficiaries. Ombudsmans facilitate the resolution of problems and complaints in a fair, impartial, and timely manner.

The Service member and Family Assistance Center (SFAC) is a one-stop location built to provide services to wounded, ill and injured service members who are assigned or attached to Soldier Recovery Units (SRU). Service members are subject to the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES). SFAC services help these Service members make life-changing decisions as they transition back to duty or on to civilian life. We strive to deliver tailored, compassionate, and coordinated transitional services designed to promote self-reliance, wellness and healing during their medical recuperation and transition. The facilities provide a warm, relaxed environment to foster physical, spiritual and mental healing.
The SFAC coordinates and refers services like: