FCC Provider Orientation
Make up to $10K per month!

Mar 4 2025, 6 pm - 8 pm
Mar 4 2025, 6 pm - 8 pm
Looking for a fun and rewarding home business? If you live on base at JBLM, become a Family Child Care provider and make a difference in the lives of military children and their Families. FCC providers earn up to $10,000 a month, based on several variables: level of training, mentor status, accreditation status, years as a provider, and total family income of enrolled children. May qualify for subsidies and receive free business resources. You can also take your business with you to your next duty station.
Learn about FCC at the orientation from 6 to 8 p.m. at the FCC office (no children allowed at the orientation due to space/discussion topics). Full-day training classes will meet weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. following the orientation. All classes are required for FCC certification.
FCC has unique qualities that make it a preferred choice for many families. It offers flexible hours — full-day, part-day, extended or overnight, weekend and hourly care in a comfortable home setting.
FCC providers are vetted and only the best qualified candidates are recommended for certification. Providers must complete background checks and regular home inspections as a part of certification. They also receive paid ongoing training for professional development.
The FCC Office is at 2275 Liggett Ave. at Lewis Main. Call today to make your appointment to attend orientation: 253-967-3039.
Recruitment Bonus: Up to a $1000 recruitment bonus will be provided to FCC Providers who successfully open their homes. Providers will receive payments over a twelve month period. Payments will begin upon home certification and enrollment of at least two children who are unrelated to the provider. Payments will be disbursed monthly with an initial payment of $120 and $80 thereafter (for the next eleven months). If the home closes or certification is lost during this time, all remaining payments will be forfeited. This is a one-time incentive.
In our continued efforts to grow the Army FCC Program, we are excited to share that a retention bonus of up to $1,000 will be offered to FCC Providers who relocate their home business to their next installation!