An official army family and MWR Site

Explore Victoria B.C.

Note: This event has already passed.

Difficulty: 1/5
Departure Time-Return time: 0700 - 1800
Meeting location: Northwest Adventure Center
Cost: $130 (Adults 12+), $100 (Child 5-11), $10 (4 and under)
Hop on the ferry and spend the day exploring Victoria B.C. by foot. Enjoy a bite to eat at a local restaurant or check out the local shops within walking distance of the ferry terminal. The Victoria ferry terminal is in the heart of downtown Victoria, close to many major Victoria attractions. You can also stop in at the Royal B.C. Museum, watch a thrilling IMAX film or take in high tea at the Empress Hotel (reservations recommended).
Participant Restrictions: Participants under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Please make sure you bring appropriate seating for child as necessary.

What ODR Provides: Transportation, driver and round-trip ferry tickets.
What you provide: Appropriate clothing, money and camera.

Document Requirements: For U.S. and Canadian Citizens Valid Passport, U.S. Passport Card, Trusted traveler card (NEXUS), Enhanced Driver's License from one of the following provinces/states: British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Vermont, or Washington State.
All U.S., and Canadian citizens aged 15 and under only need proof of their citizenship with an original or photocopy of a birth certificate or citizenship card.
Time in Victoria B.C. will be from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Max participants: 12