An official army family and MWR Site

Mount St. Helens Climb


Difficulty: 5/5
Departure time-Return time: Day 1 - Depart NAC, 1700 Return. Day 2- 2200
Dates: March 29-30, or April 17-18
Meeting location: Northwest Adventure Center
Cost: $255

The Worm Flows Climbing route is the standard winter and spring route and provides a non-technical climb for experienced hikers craving sweet summit views and a chance to practice basic mountaineering skills. A challenging scramble at 12 miles round trip and over 5,700 ft elevation gain, our pace will be around 6 hours up and 4 hours down for an expected trip of ten hours. Plan to glissade down, we will hold a mandatory 1 hour session in the weeks leading up to the scramble where you can meet the guides and where we can provide necessary information and answer any questions (date, time TBD). You will receive an email with this information and a packing list before the trip departure.

ODR provides: Transportation, instruction, snowshoes, ice axe, trekking poles, helmets, gators, headlamp and crampons.

You pack: Appropriate layers as instructed, mountaineering boots, 3L water, 10 essentials, sunscreen, sunglasses. Packing list to be provided in advance.

Participant restrictions: Ages 18+
Max participants: 10

ODR provides: Transportation, Instruction, Climbing Equipment, Parking fees, Climbing Leader
You pack: Food, water, weather-appropriate clothing, Overnight pack and waterproof Sturdy-Stiff boots. Participants will be sent a packing list

Preparing for Your Climb : Climbing Information : Explore : Mount St. Helens Institute (

Day 1: 1200 - We will meet at Northwest Adventure Center and sort out gear, load up in the van and head to the trailhead. 3 hours of driving will land us at Marble Mount Sno-park, where we will pack up and head into the forest and up on the mountain to base camp.

Day 2: 0300  We will load up and head to the summit. Nice and easy pace all the way to the summit. Once on top, we will take some pictures, eat some lunch or snacks and start back down. Break down low camp and head on home. We should make it back to JBLM by 2200.