Story-walk: Entire month of May, McChord and Grandstaff Libraries
Beacon Rock Hike: May 3 departs 7 a.m. from Northwest Adventure Center
Cooking 101: May 5, 5-6 p.m. Grandstaff Library
Coffee and Kayaking: May 18 departs 7 a.m. from Northwest Adventure Center
Run to Remember: May 22, 9 a.m.-Noon, Lewis North Athletic Complex
Murph Challenge: May 22 9 a.m. - UTC, Lewis North Athletic Complex and Time UNK on McChord Field
Dodgeball Tournament: May 29, Time UNK, McChord Main Fitness Center

STRONG B.A.N.D.S. – STRONG Balance, Activity, Nutrition, Determination and Strength – promotes healthy, active lifestyles for Army communities. It helps motivate Army Soldiers, Families, Retirees and Civilians to get and stay fit.
Get involved at our garrison events from Apr 29 - Jun 2!
Commit to Staying Fit! Strong B.A.N.D.S. is back!